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Writer's pictureSwami Pranavananda

Shiva & Shakti

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

We began 2021 batch with discussion on Kashmir Shaivism's Prakasa/Shiva and Vimarsa/Shakti principles: pure Consciousness and its contemplative or reflective power that created this universe. Sun and Moon are a good analogy who are considered as Father and Mother figures in Indian astrology. Moon reflects the light of Sun and yet both have equal role to play for Earth to maintain her balance. Sun lights the world during the day and Moon's coolness gives shelter in night for tired beings, lets us rest and prepares us for challenges awaiting next day. Latter's influence is so strong on Earthly beings that Indian astrology is based upon Lunar phases and is considered to be controller of human mind and emotions whereas Sun's position in charts predicts ones wisdom and health.

Shakti principle is that which gives substance to creation and is more tangible than Shiva's principle of consciousness just as Sun's rays are still present in night as-well but in a more benevolent form of Moon to nurture us. There is no day without a night and night without day. If one wants to see real source of light of Moon, we need to wear the sun-glasses of Sadhana to perceive it. Even then, we aren't seeing complete light rays of Sun as they get diluted by lens due to inability of our physical eyes to behold such intense energy. Pure consciousness, ie Shiva Tattva, is such an overwhelming experience that even an advanced Yogi cannot perceive it while retaining their physical identity for too long.

A world without polarities is unimaginable: Shiva & Shakti, anti-matter & matter, day & night, knowledge & devotion, will-power & love and the list goes on. We need both in-order to live a well-balanced life to reach our highest potential. Devotion lets us pour our attention towards the God while Knowledge, a.k.a discrimination, lets us not spill it off the cup amidst myriad distractions of current digital age.

We as humans have evolved consciousness blessed with mental faculties to question our existence and thereby upon our I’ness that creates this drama of life due to Maya's enclosure. Whether a Sadhu or a Scientist, the fact that we're questioning life and not just living a life driven by sensory stimulations deserves praise. While former looks within for answers, the latter continues to look outside for answers ending-up with longer route to arrive at same conclusion that whole creation share Consciousness and its reflective power in equilibrium, which is termed Samarasya, present in each Anu (basic element) as per Kashmir Shaivism. Whether we refer to this as Anu or, a String according to string-theory of Quantum mechanics, they all refer to the same basic substratum of life depicted as Bindu on Sri Yantra.

Sri Matre namah

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