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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Sri Vidya

Knowledge about the worship of Goddess Lalita is known as Sri Vidya, one of the Dasa (10) Mahavidyas. This involves worshipping Chakras located within ourselves and without in form of Sri Yantra regularly. Culmination of this is the feeling of oneness with everything in the world and accepting the life the way it presents to you with no prejudice.

What and how are the courses offered  ?

For lack of a better option, we had to use word 'course' which doesn't do justice to what is being taught here. A course is something that we take over a period of time and then we get tested once at end to make sure we got it right. But what is being taught here is to be practiced for lifetime and thus offered in periodic intervals of time to not overwhelm the seeker. The test you get to write here is given daily for your lifetime at Altar space within you and result varies upon each individual's sincerity and love for realizing the Truth. There are few practices that needs to be practiced spanning few months regularly in order to be qualified to next level and we're here to help you all along the way.

All courses are offered online once during weekends. This website contains a community forum with all Q&As, text materials, audio and video recordings. Telegram group is used only for important updates.

All content being shared is strictly for personal use only and reproduction of it or sharing with others in any other form is not permitted.

Who is this for ? 

This is for anyone who is devoting or willing to devote atleast 1 hr daily towards Spiritual practice as prescribed in ancient Hindu scriptures related to Sri Vidya. Familiarity with chanting Sanskrit verses will be very helpful so that language doesn't become a barrier between you and God. To fill this gap, we've launched to familiarize devotees with basic foundations of Sanatana Dharma and Samskritam like Vedic chanting, Grammar etc

Is there any fee ?

No. All courses are offered absolutely free with no strings attached. In exchange, the expectation is that the seeker puts in sincere efforts to practice the knowledge being taught daily. Due to limited time and resources, we periodically evaluate progress being done from your side in order to make sure our time is well spent. We reserve full rights to remove any participant for any reason.

Why is website access restricted when Course is free ?

Text and Sanskrit mantras constitutes only 50% and the remainder gets learned subtly through direct interaction with preceptor. Our intent is to provide content with complete context in its entirety. To retain the purity and sanctity of knowledge, we only share it when the seeker is ready for it during the course.

One may easily find alternative open access websites elsewhere on web on Sri Vidya.

How can I signup for course ?

You can email OR click the 'Log In' button on top right of this website and choose the option 'Sign Up' located middle of page. 

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